5 years on…

5 years ago I held the first Big Bear event at Ryton Pools, the Big Bear Challenge, 1st February 2018. 46 people turned up on the day (I’d capped entries at 50) to a new event with an odd format in a new location with a new company. 3 people (Brian, Ed and Richard) even agreed to volunteer alongside Ann and Dave (my mum and dad) on the promise of a free entry in to yet more unknown and new events! I loaded my car with my £70 gazeboes from Ebay and 2 flags. All was set! Paul Stead ran 39.6 miles that day in 6:26 and Judith told me off for taking the arrows down before the end - I’ve not done it since!

Fast forward 5 years and my mum and dad have helped at all of the events (the plan was they’d help at the first 5, not 70+…!) the 2 gazeboes didn’t even last the one event and I’ve got a lot of flags! What’s more heart-warming is that looking at the results list from the first event there are lots of familiar names who I still see at events regularly.

I wasn’t sure if it, or I, would work. I’m a zoology graduate, former bank manager and teacher with a running record that is barely to be whispered let alone shouted about! However, I thought I could see what needed to be done so I’d give it 1 year and see. I had (and still have!) a very supportive and trusting wife. I coincided the start with our twins going to nursery more often. The years before consisted of lots of trips to wander around the venues we use with a double buggy and lots of snacks. A particular “highlight” was taking the buggy down the hills at Hartshill Hayes in the winter. I did get funny looks as it wasn’t the wisest of things to do!!

I thought I’d test it with 5 events with 50 people at each and make it a bargain to enter. If you’d paid £16 for an event that went wrong you got what you paid for! If something goes wrong it’s easier to corral 50 people than 100. There was logic! You can’t run a business on 50 entries at £16 though but I did manage to start one. I didn’t expect each event to sell out well over 6 months before the event date (that bit didn’t continue for ever!!).

The events all went well. There were lessons to learn early on…

·         Cola is not the same as Coca Cola – Cola has about 8g of sugar and a ton of sweeteners, Coca Cola has something like 30g+ of sugar, costs 10 times more and is like rocket fuel!

·         Cheap gazeboes are useless and the good ones cost £400+ for a reason

·         Everyone loves Jaffa Cakes and if you forget them people will be close to rioting

·         Putting flags up can be a real pain

·         Don’t take arrows down at lunchtime because no one is learning the route

·         Writing hand-written thank you notes to every entrant was very time consuming and wouldn’t last past the first year

·         This could really work…!

I learnt a lot in those first few events.  I didn’t make any huge own goals as I’d planned everything - a lot. However, there were still things to get better for sure. My poor wife still gets tired and bored of the detailed chat about event logistics, but she helps more than any of you will ever know. Just by making small tweaks and always asking for feedback I think I’ve got to a pretty good set up that allows people to be confident they know they’ll get a good experience and day out at any Big Bear Event. I’m tweaking in much smaller ways now but always looking to improve.

Without making this too self-congratulatory it has been a pretty good 5 years! Covid decimated the industry and to be honest we’re only just getting back towards 2020 levels now. I’m fortunate to still be here having seen a lot of companies just wind down. 2020 was the year it was meant to start flying and we did – until mid-March! I’m hoping 2023 will be that time now.

It was great to celebrate the 5th birthday on Wednesday at Ryton Pools 5 years on from the first event there. There were a handful who were there for that first event too – hopefully they feel part of the journey too. Honourable mention to Brian Thurogood who was there on day 1 and has only missed 2 or 3 6 hour events since – he’s done 45+ Big Bear events, all marathons or ultras. But there are a good handful getting close to 20, lots over 10 and many with multiple finishes. The biggest compliment someone can pay me (or any small business) is returning time and time again. Thank you, it really means a lot.

Here's to the next 5 years. Brian will be well over 100 marathons with us and we might have a select few join him in the 50+ events club. It’s great to see the newcomers as well though, especially when they’ve never been to an event like it. They love it. And so do I!

Happy Birthday!


Virtual Bear Series


Asics Test Run event