The last Covid statement..?

It feels like I’ve made as many Covid statements as I’ve put on events over the last couple of years. Massively tempting fate… but this may be the last one!

As the country seems to be moving to a “living with covid” situation I’ll be doing the same with Big Bear Events. Given you can’t really test (without paying) and you can go to work, send your kids to school and go to Sainsburys with it my procedures need to change too. I’m proud of the support I’ve given to Bears who have had to pull out due to Covid or when events were cancelled. I think I’ve stood by people and done the right thing from the start and think this is the right thing too.

Now I won’t be making a distinction between Covid and any other illness/infection/injury. I have always offered free deferrals/transfers until 7 days before the event (1 month for the weekend ultras) and Covid now falls under this general policy. I’d suggest this is more generous than most when it comes to a transfer policy for running events. I’ve never asked for fees for transfers (unlike some companies) - it’s 2 minutes work after all. Just email me, let me know what you want to transfer to and I’ll likely do it within a few hours for you. You can do this for any reason, medical or not.

However, if you know you have Covid, or any other highly transmissible infection (norovirus, severe diarrhoea, flu etc.), don’t come to the event and stay at home! Not only will you likely pass on your infection, which is pretty selfish, but you’ll have a rubbish time. If you get sick after the transfer deadline then I’m sorry but you’ve had some bad luck but I won’t be transferring you or giving you a voucher so please don’t put me in the uncomfortable position by asking.

I’ve hugely appreciated the support I’ve received from everyone during Covid and I’m really looking forward to the rest of 2022 and beyond. It’s been a pretty great start to the year and fingers crossed it just keeps getting better!


She Races


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