The wider industry…

I sit here as part of the problem! I’m currently sitting in the back of my van in a layby in North Wales getting ready to run a trail marathon. I booked it in 2019 and it was postponed twice due to Covid. I feel like I stopped training for it in 2019 too..! I still get out and run but I’ve done nowhere near enough long runs to justify starting. I’ll make sure to post this up before I start as I’m not sure when I’ll finish!! After this I have no events booked and I’ve only done a handful of events this year.

**Edit – I didn’t manage to post it before I ran it, it was great fun, I hadn’t trained enough and I’m paying for it now 24 hours later**

The events world is struggling, big time. The Covid pandemic is in the rear-view mirror (I know infections are around still but in terms of lockdowns etc.) but it’s effects are really hitting now. There is a perfect storm, rising costs, rising inflation, rising fuel prices and rising apathy! I, and other RD’s, thought that we’d see a bit of a boom post-covid with the 7 million people who supposedly took up running during the lockdowns. It appears when you shut down all leisure and retail spaces people figure they might as well give running a go! Not that surprisingly when you open the shops and pubs back up those habits die off a bit quick! It’s not all just a “rising cost of living” thing either. Parkrun attendance is down 23% from 2019 (source) so it’s not solely to do with money.

This is all to say it’s a tough market out there. If you’re Facebook feed is anything like mine then you’ll have seen a flurry of events being cancelled and companies going under or “taking a break” for a bit in the last few weeks. I imagine as reality starts to set in there will be more. Hopefully your favourites will be able to stick it out. If you’ve been to events you’ll have noticed them a little (or a lot!) quieter in terms of numbers too. On the plus side, you may have been able to get an entry to your favourite event that always sells out much closer to race day. Silver linings and all that!!

So that’s all a bit depressing! Why am I telling you this? It’s not a whinge. I promise. I’m not trying to make you feel guilty or sorry for me! I’m not telling you to pick coming to one of my events over feeding your family of filling your car with fuel either. I have a young family and am acutely aware of rising costs across the board. As I said at the start I am very much part of the problem too (although I’m feeling a bump of motivation so need to book some events up to hopefully kick start my training!!)

The reason for telling you is so you’re aware. When you come to an event and there are a few less people, it’s not through lack of trying on my part! It also isn’t a reflection on the event. The plan is never to have 2000 people at our events, they’ll always be small (I prefer to think boutique!!) events. However, you may notice a few less people on the start line. The offering won’t be any different though – if anything you might get to have even more jaffa cakes!

It's also to tell you to spend your money wisely. Your wallet is always a consumer vote in a company whether that be at the supermarket, buying a car or buying an event entry. I recently had a disastrous time at an event in the Lakes (I’ve commented on it publicly elsewhere but I’m not giving them the oxygen here!) and as much as I was gutted with the event in hindsight I’m also gutted I gave them £200 when I could have given that money to a different organiser. To think they took about £100k out of the trail community (through entries etc) that could have gone to other organisers is upsetting. Every time you buy an event entry you’re giving your support to that organiser to carry on.

So, what am I trying to get at? I’m not saying to enter all of my events (although you can of course!) but I am saying support those you want to see in 2023 and beyond. As with all businesses, use it or lose it. We all bemoan a shop shutting down and then realise we haven’t been there for 2 years! This is similar. If you’ve got an event you like try and get to it. If you’ve got a friend who has lost their mojo a bit or who you think might like to join you invite them along. Those few extra introductions might tip the balance when a few people do it.

To be clear, Big Bear Events is going nowhere. We’ve got events on sale for 2023 and I’ve got lots of plans for events far, far beyond that. I’m trying new things, improving and tweaking all the time. However I can’t speak for others. If you’re reading this you’re 800 words in (and must be a bit of a fan!), if you don’t have an event booked up with us have a look here and see what works for you. It would be great to see you soon.

All that said, the Cannock 50 on Saturday is set to be one of the biggest events I’ve done to date, so I’m off to add the final touches to that…!


Diversity (or lack of!)


She Races