Cupless Events

We are conscious of the wasteful nature of disposable plastic. Some is hard to avoid in life but disposable cups/bottles at our running events is an easy fix. Many races across Europe (and the world) are now "cupless" events. This means no cups are given out to competitors for drinks. To some of you who have only ever done 10k's or big city marathons this might seem strange/impossible. To those of you that have done trail ultra marathons this is becoming your norm. We'll explain the numerous ways that you can get water/liquid in a "cupless" race.

1. Carry a bottle with you (or hydration pack)
Simply run and carry your bottle with you, we'll have water dispensers at the checkpoint allowing you to fill up when you need to.

2. The "Bottle Table"
Given the lapped nature of our events it is an easy fix for us to have a "bottle table" for you to leave your bottles of liquid for you to pick up as you complete each lap. Labelling your bottle with your name would be a good idea as lots of people have similar (if not identical!) bottles. Once you've drunk all the drink you bought with you you can then just fill this up when you need to from our water/squash/electrolytes.

3. Speed cups/ foldable cups
Carry a speed cup or foldable plastic bottle with you to fill up at the aid station. Unlike a rigid plastic bottle it will fold up in you pocket when you are finished and is often easier to grip when half full. With a speed cup you can easily go between water and sports drinks/coke. We have a stock of Big Bear branded ones at the bargain price of £4 (same manufacturer as a lot of the big brands but lots cheaper!!). You can either buy them on the day or they can posted out before - visit the merch page!

These options may prevent you from getting a 2 hour marathon but will help you do a tiny bit to prevent unnecessary plastic wastage.